Happy birthday! Hope you're all well now. And loved this article. Fits nicely into my next one, too (a bit of rumination on carpe diem quam minimum credula postero from Horace along with "the ride not taken").

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We really can learn a lot from the stoics—including some great Latin to throw around. Several years ago (maybe 15?) I remember Maureen Dowd writing a column in about 50% Latin. Will see if I can find it...

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Five years of HS and two years of college Latin (and a year of Greek) almost sent me on a course to becoming a classicist.

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I remember when Star Wars was re-released (1997). My son sat beside me in a MOVIE THEATER. When Yoda started talking, he turned to me with excitement. "Mom, Yoda speaks Latin." I didn't get it because, unlike him in his fancy private school, I only took French. Then he explained it was the sentence structure. Mind blown right there.

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